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The Traveling Barkeep

Making small trips at home


‏Travel has a way of pulling us out of our routine and making us appreciate life and all the comforts we have at home that we miss while we’re away. Yet, sometimes we forget how great home really is and what our local areas truly have to offer.

A short trip to a new or even familiar local spot can have the same effect of excitement and discovery as an overseas journey if done the right way. Take a hike, go to the beach, go see the worlds largest ball of string for all I care. Just enjoy this life you are given and try to see the world around you with a new set of eyes with each new experience.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did” -Mark Twain

When choosing a new adventure, try to keep it fresh and stay open minded. If you don’t like the days activity, don’t go back or don’t do it again, but at least you are a fuller more interesting version of yourself than you were before.

For instance, living in Central Florida offers many opportunities to explore the beaches of the Atlantic and Gulf coast. There are also airboat rides through the swamp, a few casinos, and many theme parks, all within an hour and a half drive. You can be a part time tourist in St. Augustine, the keys, Miami, and on International drive. There is also kayaking just about anywhere, or you can even stroll around Lake Eola and get a drink at Relax when you get too hot.

These are local examples, but even the most “boring” places have held something fun or beautiful to offer. You just have to be willing to find it.

I heard a great quote by country music star Kevin Welch. I can’t say I know a damn thing about his music, but I still feel it’s a great point about life in general.

“There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.”

1 Comment

  • “There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.”
    Totally needed to see these lyrics today. ☺️

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