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The Traveling Barkeep

How to raise your spirits when you are on the road


Some of you are probably scratching your heads at the idea of travel depression. I assure you, it’s a thing.

How can you get depressed when on the road?

Well, here are some times when it has set in on me or fellow travelers I have met as well as some tips to help keep on keepin’ on.

-Traveling alone for extended periods

It’s great to get out there and see the world, but sometimes you miss having others to share the experience with. Other times you may just get home sick. Either way, try to make some friends to prevent loneliness when abroad. Especially if you intend to travel for several months.

-Separating from travel companions after some time together

Travel helps you to meet many amazing people. After a week with new found friends, the road may lead in different directions and you must part ways. This has led me to feel down and out in the past since great company can enhance any event.

If your friends have left and you feel down and out, remember you will also be on your way soon to meet new people and face new adventures. Stick with it and keep moving.

-When the creativity you desire isn’t quite clicking

The road has always been a muse for artistically minded people. It doesn’t always provide the inspiration we are looking for immediately, but relax, it will come.

Sometimes we need to live the whole experience before inspiration strikes. Be patient, stay distracted and enjoy the ride. Creativity can’t be forced, so use times of writers block to see as many new things as possible. Get out of your head and immerse yourself in new sights, sounds, flavors, and smells.

Inspiration can come from some very unlikely places. Think less and experience more.

-There is nobody around to communicate with

A lack of quality conversation can drive a person mad. If you travel alone long enough, you will find times where there isn’t a single person in sight who understands you. This is an easy way to find yourself in a slump, but resist the urge to be that “poor lil’ fella”.

Times like these are when I prefer to practice learning a new language and chatting with locals. Sometimes a smile from a friendly face is all you need to boost your spirits.

Meeting new people and trying new things is the reason you are traveling anyways!

-Missing pets or comforts of home

It seems silly but these two get me every time.

My dog and my guitar.

Blue is my best friend and I like him more than most people. I try to keep a picture of my pup with me to lift my spirits, just in case. If you miss a pet, you will be home soon and your pup will be happy to see you whether you have been gone 5 minutes or 5 weeks.

As for the love of playing music, I have booked hostels where I see a guitar in the picture, all in hopes I can get my music fix. This has led to great jam sessions and stringless disappointments.

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