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The Traveling Barkeep

Choose the right people when you travel


The wrong company can destroy a trip.

If you have reliable, easy going friends that make enjoyable travel companions, consider yourself blessed. Choosing the right group of people makes a great experience unforgettable.

We all have those friends who want the champagne lifestyle while they earn the beer budget. The friend who can’t do anything alone, or the buddy who gets aggressive when he’s had too many.

You know, our high maintenance friends.

It’s not that we don’t love them, just some people require more attention than others and this needs to be taken into account.

I find traveling with potentially high maintenance people is best on shorter trips.

If you are traveling for a long period of time, it is best to travel with friends who are mild mannered and independent so you can spend a day or two apart if you don’t have matching interests along the way so you don’t feel the need to babysit.

One perk of having other travelers with you is that you can often negotiate group rates on tours or travel expenses. When it comes to making a bulk purchases, sometimes you can haggle for a better rate when purchasing from some local vendors.

Ultimately, the most awe inspiring sunrises, full moons, waterfalls, temples, and thrills are all better when you have someone to share the experience.

Just be mindful of the company you keep and choose the right people to bring with you and you can make the most of your travels.

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