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The Traveling Barkeep

A guide to avoiding food poisioning while traveling


One of the most common questions I get asked by friends and associates is that of the risks of food poisoning and how to prevent it.

Experiencing street food and the local fair can be a life changing experience, for better or worse. If you keep your wits about you and do a bit of research hopefully your adventures can lead to the former more so than the latter.

Though it is a definite concern when abroad, the fear of food borne illness persists regardless of where you are in the world, so be brave and live life.

In culinary school, an instructor of mine was quoted saying “If you wouldn’t serve it to your mother don’t sell it”. I have learned to apply the same rules when it comes to purchasing food abroad as well.

If you choose to eat meat in a country where the standards of service aren’t typically to your liking, opt for dishes that cook for long periods of time and meats that are cooked throughout.

Observation of the quality of equipment and the temperature regulation (if present at all) of food service items can also help prevent a potential travel disaster.

Some of the best local spots can appear the least appealing, but offer amazing rewards.

So use your better judgement and if you are still weary, beware of equipment that doesn’t have temperature regulation and nearby flies.

If you are very concerned when eating out, here is a list of symptoms of food poisoning don’t over plan your schedule so you can leave a few days to recuperate if need be. If you don’t like the quality of the meat, go vegetarian.

At times if I’m wandering around and find a place I would never try at home but is full of locals, I’ll throw caution to the wind and give it a go.

These experiences have not only allowed me to eat some of the best meals of my life, they help teach and reinforce many life lessons. You know, books and covers and stuff of that nature.

Culture is comprised of the arts and intellectual achievements of a civilization. Thus, food is included.

So be adventurous, that’s the purpose of travel anyways, right?

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